Welcome to 2018!

I am giving this blogging thing a shot again! I hadn’t realized that my last blog posted was April 2017. Yikes.

While I was on winter break I was able to catch up with some of my favorite blogs as well as people and #hashtags that I follow on Twitter. What I read and saw was an amazing passion to share knowledge and ideas without hesitation! As I reflected on what I read, I realized that I need to get over my insecurity to blog! If you are like me, it sometimes takes a couple of times of seeing or reading something before “I get it” – and there are those days where it might take me twenty times to get it! Because of that I am thankful that people post about the same or similar topics. There might be moments when I read something in a Twitter or blog post that I thought was neat or something cool to try, but then got busy and forgot about it. I then might see it a few days or weeks later from someone else who posted it and finally get a chance to try it out.

So, thank you to all of you who are faithful bloggers and Tweeters! I pledge to do a better job of sharing my knowledge so that I can strive to be that right time/place blogger or Tweeter to assist in someone else’s learning!

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